Have you ever made a mistake like offending someone with your words; yelling at your friend, spouse, or child in anger; doing something disrespectful; or walking out of a relationship?  As a result, you think that mistake is who you are; you have let that mistake define who you are and become your identity.

Or perhaps you have believed the labels that others have spoken over you:  you’re just average or inferior, not capable, an addict or a loser. 

Maybe you have believed some of the lies the Enemy has whispered in your ear, such as you don’t have what it takes; you’re not talented or special; you don’t measure up.

If so, you are looking in the wrong mirror because you think your identity is defined by the mistakes you’ve made or the labels others have put on you or the lies the Enemy has tried to put upon you. But a mistake is an event; it is notyour identity.  Together, these mistakes, labels, and lies make up your I AM imposter.

And then there’s the negative self-talk that doesn’t let God get a Word in edgewise! If you don’t silence those competing voices, they’ll eventually deafen you. Which voice are you listening to?

A lie, a label, or a mistake can become the basis of the devil’s accusation against you. However, when the enemy hears you assert your identity in Christ by rejecting those accusations, he no longer see only you; he sees Jesus.

If you dwell on any of these too long, you begin to believe them and identify with them, and you think of them as your name. When this happens, they create a wrong mental image on the inside. If you’re not careful, the wrong image from labels, mistakes, and lies resulting in negative self-talk will become deeply entrenched emotionally in your heart and very difficult to overcome. 

A name is a powerful thing.

If you think any of these are your identity, you are looking in the wrong mirror. Continuing to look in the wrong mirror will result in you seeing yourself as a sinner, having a sin consciousness.

As a Christian, you are not

  • what your mistakes say you are
  • the labels people put upon you
  • the lies the Enemy says you are
  • who you’ve tried to create yourself to be

You are who God says you are—deeply loved, completely forgiven, and highly valued!

What you may have done is not who you are. Your actions or wrong thinking do not define your identity in Christ. What God has said about you and provided through Jesus Christ defines your identity.

Let’s ponder for a moment: 

What images do you have in your mind of who you are that are the result of looking in the wrong mirror—your mistakes?

Labels from others?

Lies of the Enemy?

A name you’ve tried to create for yourself?

It’s time to resist those voices and remind yourself that you a child of God.  Focus on your I AM factor, “Jesus in the mirror.”  You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are awesome!  

Activating Prayer:

I believe and declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!  Lord, You have crowned me with glory and honor!  You tell me that I am awesome and wonderful.  You stand in awe of me, Your creation.  You created me and now re-created me to be an accurate reflection of Your glory back to You and to others.  You tell me that I look a whole lot like Jesus.  I am unique, and reflect “Jesus in the mirror.”  In Jesus Name, Amen!