I have a question for you if you are a Christian.  It’s a True/False question.  

Respond to this statement: True or False: “I am a sinner saved by grace.”

How you answer this question tells me a great deal about how you see yourself.  So take a moment to think about the above statement.  Have selected your answer?

If you answered TRUE . . .then as a Christian, you still see yourself as a sinner. If you believe that you are still a sinner, then what does a sinner do?  They sin, right?  If you view yourself as a sinner, then you have a sin-consciousness understanding of who you are.  Seeing yourself as a sinner indicates an inaccurate understanding of your I AM-ness.

If you answer FALSE . . .then you are beginning to see yourself with a righteousness-consciousness.  You are beginning to develop an accurate understanding of your I AM-ness in the eyes of your heavenly Father.

Now, let’s correct the original statement this way so it reflects the way God sees you now:

“I am was a sinner saved by grace; now, I am a saint.”

As a Christian, begin to see yourself standing on righteousness-ground, and no longer on condemnation-ground!  For this is how God, who recreated you, sees you.  God sees the real you (your born-again spirit) as righteous, holy, perfect, and complete like Jesus; therefore, you should as well.

The goal is to develop a righteousness consciousness where you no longer see yourself as a sinner (with a sin consciousness). Rather, you rightly see yourself as a righteous saint. (The term, “saint,” is a very frequent term for Christians in the New Testament.) You honestly and truthfully can say:

“I no longer see myself as a sinner, but as a saint . . . who occasionally sins.”

God does not see you as a person with a sin-consciousness; He sees you as having a righteousness consciousness, since this is how He has recreated you.  Don’t see myself as a sinner because you made a mistake, or believe a label from someone else, or believe a lie from the enemy.  The devil knows your name, but calls you by your sin.  God sees your sin, but calls you by your name – righteous, holy, perfect, and complete as Jesus!

Activation prayer:

Heavenly Father, I believe and declare that I was a sinner saved by grace; now I am a saint.  I see myself as a saint who occasionally sins.  As a saint, I see myself in my born-again spirit the way You see me — as righteous, holy, perfect, and complete as Jesus.  I choose to stop seeing myself as a sinner because I made a mistake, or I believed a label from someone else, or I believed a lie from the enemy.  I choose to stop looking in the I AM imposter mirror and look intently in the I AMness mirror found in Your Word.  In my born-again spirit, I am righteous, holy, deeply loved, completely forgiven, a child of the Most High God!  In Jesus Name, Amen!