You were created to look and be like God. The psalmist said you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to our likeness . . . God created man in His own image. (Gen. 1:26–27)

I am fearfully [to stand in awe of] and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14b, brackets mine)

I am amazing.  I am completely amazing and awesome, and I can prove it.

Now let me say something about you: You are more awesome and wonderful that you know.

Can you picture it? The Creator of the universe, who created you, takes a couple of steps back and looks at you and says, “Wow, you are awesome!” He stands in awe of you, His creation.

God created us and now re-created us because you are now a new creation in such a way that we provide an accurate reflection of His glory back to Him and onto the world.

I invite you to look in God’s mirror to see what He sees. You will look a whole lot like Jesus.

Each one of us is unique, and we were created to provide the most complete mirror image of God on earth. We reflect “Jesus in the mirror.”


We have two competing mirrors that we look at that affect our identity formation on the inside. There is a right mirror and a wrong mirror to view.

The Right Mirror, God’s Word. As a believer in Jesus, you now have an I AM factor from God—your individual uniqueness—which positions you alone above all living things to be in relationship with God.  You look into your spiritual mirror, God’s Word, to see who you are in your born-again spirit, which looks like Jesus—which we will call your I AM factor.

Your I AM factor is given by God; it reflects the I AM-ness of God, your God image.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps. 139:14)

You have crowned me with glory and honor. (Ps. 8:5)

Don’t let anyone take your crown!

God has given you a new name—a “Christian.” That new name reflects your I AM factor, the real you. This new name has many facets which we will discover shortly.

Jesus, the Great I AM, has put His nature in our human spirit, and re-created our I AM-ness, the real me.

The result is you will develop a righteousness consciousness of yourself as you own the I Am-ness that you see in this spiritual mirror. You will see yourself as a saint and not a sinnerA righteousness consciousness is the gold standard you are to pursue.

The Wrong Mirror. The problem is we often have an inaccurate understanding of our new self as a Christian; were not sure what is the ‘real me.’ We will call this inaccurate view our I AM imposter.

Your I AM imposter is an inaccurate or incomplete understanding of who you are as a Christian. It is a deception, a counterfeit version or knockoff of who God has created you to be.

Isaiah 55:8–9 captures this understanding:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

In the natural your thoughts about yourself are not God’s thoughts about you. For God’s thoughts about you and me are higher than our natural thoughts. You must look into God’s spiritual mirror to see who and what God thinks about you—how God created you and sees you.

One way you develop this wrong understanding of yourself as a Christian is when you try to create a name for yourself separate from God—trying to create or find your significance, worth, and value, outside of God. Singer Frank Sinatra sang a song, “I Did It My Way”. Have you ever tried to create a name for yourself—apart from your relationship with God? How did that turn out?

To see who you really are, continue looking in the mirror of God’s Word where you will see “Jesus in the mirror.”

Activating Prayer:

I believe and declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!  Lord, You have crowned me with glory and honor!  You tell me that I am awesome and wonderful.  You stand in awe of me, Your creation.  You created me and now re-created me as a new creation in such a way that I provide an accurate reflection of Your glory back to You and to others.  You tell me that I look a whole lot like Jesus.  I am unique, and reflect “Jesus in the mirror.”  In Jesus Name, Amen!