Today, let me share two truths about your born-again spirit as a Christian.  These two truths might seem too good to be true, but nevertheless, they are true.  Both truths are about the fact that you are perfect and complete!  

Here is the first truth:  In your born-again spirit, right now, you are as perfect, mature, and complete as Jesus Himself.  You may say, wait a minute:  “there is no way that I am perfect and complete – not like Jesus!  You don’t know what I have done; I am far from perfect and complete.”

You may not feel perfect and complete, but that does not change the truth that you are both perfect and complete.  You are a born-again spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. Your born-again spirit is the real you, which is as perfect, mature and complete as Jesus Christ. This should not be surprising because you received the spirit of Christ, God’s holy Son, into your spirit when you were born again.

As long as you live on the earth, the temptation to sin will be a challenge. But when the Lord returns and takes us to heaven, then we will be like Him not only in spirit (which is perfect and complete), but in our soul and body as well.

Let me share a second and related truth: At this very moment, your born-again spirit is as perfect and complete as it’ll ever be throughout all eternity!

You are perfect and complete in your born-again spirit. Your born-again spirit is sealed to keep out the impurities and evil, and seal in the new nature, which is righteous, holy, perfect, and complete. When you were born again, your spirit was encased—vacuum packed—by the Holy Spirit for preservation. Your born-again spirit retains its original holiness and purity—and will for eternity.

For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

. . . and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. (Heb. 10:14, 12:23)

As a Christian, when you sin, that sin cannot enter into your spirit, but it can have a negative impact on your soul and body. Sin, if left unconfessed, can have an oppressive effect on your soul and ultimately on your body. It will also weigh heavily upon your spirit and fellowship with God, and with other people.

It’s not like you will get a new born-again spirit when you arrive in heaven, and neither will it need to be matured, completed, or cleansed. Your born-again spirit down here is as perfect and complete as it’ll ever be throughout all eternity!

Activating prayer:

Heavenly Father, I believe and declare that, right now, I am as perfect, complete, and mature as Jesus is right now.  I choose to accept and believe that I am perfect and complete in my born-again spirit, the real me — the real me that God sees!  I see myself as a saint and not as a sinner.  Sin cannot enter into my born-again spirit.  I will not receive a new born-again spirit when I arrive in heaven because it is already perfect and complete.   Nor will my current born-again spirit need to be matured or completed or cleansed!  As Jesus is right now, so am I in this world.  In Jesus Name, amen!