For we are His workmanship [masterpiece], created in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:10a, bracket added)

It has been said that art—such as music, a sculpture, a painting—represents the artist. If you want to know an artist, simply

study their work, and you will gain understanding of the artist.

God is the ultimate and greatest of all artists. The crowning jewel of God’s creation is you. You are His masterpiece. Let’s take a minute to learn a little more about the art (you) are and the Artist (God).  

You may have heard someone say to you or to someone else, “You are a real work of art!”  That person may have said that statement in sarcasm but there is a Biblical truth to the content of that statement.

If you want to see the best-of-the-best of all God has made in the universe, you don’t need a telescope or a microscope. What you need is a mirrormore specifically, a spiritual mirror!

The Scripture—God’s Word—is our spiritual mirror. Let’s begin to see God’s perspective. The first step is to look closely in God’s mirror.

In the first chapter of the book of James, the writer makes reference to two different mirrors. In verse 23, James refers to a physical mirror like the bathroom mirror you probably looked into this morning:

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror.

Then in verse 25, he refers to a spiritual mirror, which is God’s Word:

But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty [God’s Word—specifically the New Testament], and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

Now, God’s Word as a spiritual mirror addresses every facet of our lives, but for our purpose God’s Wordperfectly reflects who you are in your born-again spirit. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, the old things passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Cor. 5:17). God’s Word as a spiritual mirror is reflecting perfectly who you are in your born-again spirit.

Have you ever read God’s Word, specifically the New Testament, and wondered if the writer is talking about your born-again spirit or your soul? I have. Then, I started asking the Holy Spirit, who moved upon men to write the Scriptures, to help me discern whether the author was speaking about my born-again spirit or my soul. It made all the difference in the world!

I remember a small group leader asking me, “Are you holy?” and “Are you righteous?” At that time, I respond something like, “I try to live a holy life.” or “I try to be righteous.” Over time, I learned that I lacked understanding of the relationship between my spirit and soul. I seemed to mesh the two together. I was mixing up what Christ did and what I do. I now know that I am holy and righteous in my born-again spirit as a result of the finished work of Christ. My responsibility now is to live out what has already transpired in my born-again spirit—live out holiness.

It is important to discern the difference between soul and spirit so you can focus on what is true about your born-again spirit. As you read God’s Word about your born-again spirit, your task is to trust the spiritual reality you see in the Word.  The next several blogs will highlight the distinction between your soul and your spirit.

Today, I invite you to reach for your Bible (hard copy or your mobile device) and hold it in your hands and make this declaration with me:

“This is my Bible. I am who it says I am. I have what it says I have. And I can do what it says I can do.”

Your born-again spirit accurately reflects who you are, what you have in Christ, and what you can do through Him.

Activation prayer:

I am who my Bible says I am. I have what my Bible says I have. And I can do what my Bible says I can do.  I believe and declare that I am a masterpiece to God. I am awesome and wonderfully made by God, and He put the finishing touch on me by crowning me with His glory and honor. He looks at me every day and says, “You are awesome!” I choose to see myself as my Father sees me—a highly valued masterpiece, one of a kind! In Jesus Name, Amen!