Today, I want to share this truth:  when you sin (and we all occasionally do), it does not originate from your born-again spirit. As a Christian, your born-again spirit does not participate when you sin because it is not capable of sinning.   This is an important truth that you really must understand.  

Remember, you are a 3-part being:  spirit, soul, and body (I Thess. 5:23).  You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body.

Let’s look at the Word of God:

Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His [Christ’s] seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. I John 3:9, NKJV

We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He [Christ] who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him. 1 John 5:18

As He [Christ] is [now], so also are we in this world. 1 John 4:17

For God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself [in your born-again spirit] does not tempt anyone. James 1:13 (brackets mine)

You are a saint who occasionally sins.  When you and I fail, you may think that God the Father is looking at your sin.  But He is really looking at your born-again spirit, the real you that is created in righteousness and holiness (Eph. 4 24).

When your spirit and soul agree, you release and experience the life of God. The Christian life, by design, is intended to be a life of complete dependence on the Lord. This is where God wants us to live and walk.

However, when you choose to live independent from the Lord, your body and soul agree (apart from your born-again spirit), which closes the valve of the supernatural flow of life from your spirit; The result is sin. When you give in to temptation and sin, it originates from your flesh (soul + body), and not from your born-again spirit. 

As a Christian walking in the flesh (a carnal Christian), you begin to walk like a lost person with your understanding darkened, and you separate yourself from flow of the life of God within you.

When you sin, confess it right away. If you continue to sin, the love of God is not motivating your heart. Continuing to live in sin gives inroads for the devil to work in your life, violates the unity and oneness with the Lord, and will enslave you once again. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit guides you to repent and not to repeat that sin in the future.

Again, your born-again spirit is not capable of sinning nor does sin originate from your spirit. As Jesus is NOW, so am I in this world—righteous, holy, perfect, and complete. This is not an excuse to sin, but should motivate us to stay pure in our Christian life.

Let’s Ponder!

You learned your born-again spirit is not capable of committing sin. How will you change your thinking so you see yourself as God the Father sees the real you?

Your born-again spirit is as righteous, holy, perfect, and compete as Jesus.  How difficult is it for you to believe that statement?

You are a saint who occasionally sins.  Do you find it easy or difficult to believe and accept this statement?

Activation Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I believe and declare that my born-again spirit is righteous and holy and this is how You see me.  As Jesus is NOW, so am I in this world—righteous, holy, perfect, and complete!  When I fail or sin, it does not originate from my born-again spirit because my spirit is not capable of sinning.  Heavenly Father, I thank you that when I fail You are not looking at my failure but you are looking at the real me, my born-again spirit.  I choose to live my life in total dependence on you and live my life led by the Spirit of God.  I choose to allow the life of God to flow from my spirit into my soul and all of my life.  In Jesus Name, Amen!