Over the past several years, I have been reading Scripture with an eye on what it says about my born-again spirit.  My born-again spirit is the real me and I wanted to know how God my heavenly Father viewed the real me.  I identified fifty-two truths about my born-again spirit and included them in my book, Activating What’s in Your Born-Again Spirit.  I further noticed that these fifty-two statements seemed to cluster into one of three groups:  those ‘I am’ statements that addressed my acceptance in Christ, my security in Christ, and my significance in Christ.

If I were to summarize what these fifty-two “I am” statements said about me, it would be this:  Everything that Christ has done for me at the cross has already been deposited into my born-again spirit in fullness. I’ve already “got it!”

Everything that God has done for you has already been deposited into your born-again spirit in abundance. It’s there, so draw it out of your spirit and into the physical realm. You simply need the Spirit’s revelation of what you already have.

For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. (John 1:16)

For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him; For in Him all the fullness of Deity [Father, Son, Holy Spirit] dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete. (Col. 1:19; 2:9–10, brackets mine)

OK, you’ve already “got it” but what is it that you already have? 

Let’s look at a couple statements which address your acceptance in Christ:

I am righteous

I am holy

I am completely forgiven of my sins

I am totally accepted by my heavenly Father

I am well-pleasing to my Father

I am crowned with honor and glory

I am approved

I am chosen by God

This is just a sampling of the wonderful fifty-two statements that you’ve “already got.”  Can you accept each of these statements as true about you in your born-again spirit?  That this is how your heavenly Father sees you?

You must see who you are and what you have in the spirit realm through the Word of God and believe it by faith. The Christian life is a process of renewing your mind with what you’ve already received in your born-again being.

Your Christian life is about learning how to manifest in the physical realm what’s already in your born-again spirit. You have the fullness of Christ in your born-again spirit, so have an abundance mentality, and not a deficit or deficient mentality.  You’ve already “got it!”

Let’s Ponder!

How difficult is it for you to accept that everything you need has already been imparted into your spirit in abundance?

What does “you’ve already got it” include?

Activation prayer (pray with me):

Heavenly Father, I believe and declare that in my born-again spirit I have the fullness of Christ.  I believe that I have an abundance of everything I need in my born-again spirit.  I now bring over into the physical realm what’s already in my born-again spirit in abundance.  I choose to have an abundance mentality.  I am righteous; I am holy; I am completely forgiven of my sins; I am totally accepted by my heavenly Father; I am well-pleasing to my Father; I am crowned with honor and glory; I am fully approved; and I am chosen by God!  In Jesus Name, Amen.